Monday, April 27, 2009
Have you seen my shoes???
I met my co-teacher, Allyson about 3 1/2 years ago when she she started working at the church preschool I was working at. We were paired together that first year and have taught together since. I love her dearly, we have a lot in common, totally think alike, our kids are friends, I have fun with her in and out of work, I can't imagine teaching with anyone else. That being said....SHE IS EVIL!!! I say that in the most loving way. :)
A few times during our school year we get to have the bounce house set up as a special treat for the kids or if it's bad weather, it may be set up for playground time since we can't go outside. Today was a rainy day so the bounce house was set up for us to use during playground time. The kiddos love it and we even get in and jump and play with them. As everyone knows, shoes are not allowed in inflatable play things so everyone's shoes are piled up outside the entrance. INCLUDING MINE!! Herein lies the problem. I forget EVERY TIME that she thinks it is HILARIOUS to hide my shoes from me. So when it's time to get out and leave, my shoes are missing in action. I am now forced to go searching for them. Today was no exception. As I was getting hit me and I thought to myself, "Oh crap, did she hide my shoes?" Sure enough, I go to the spot where I had left them and they were no longer there. It wouldn't be so bad, but I don't particularly like walking around barefoot (unless I'm in a house) and she knows this. Which is precisly why she does it!! I am now on the hunt for my shoes, walking on the sides of my feet so as little of my feet are touching the floor as possible. Yes, I'm wierd that way and I am OK with it! :) I had to play "hot and cold" to find them. I even had our 2 year olds helping (if you can call it that) me. I, of course, did end up finding them with her laughing hysterically the whole time. **SIGH** Luckily, I do have a good (warped) sense of humor also so I do find that kind of stuff funny, but really, how many times am I going to fall for that?!?!
Laugh it up girlie, your day is comin'!!! :)
Until next time...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
CDC Art Show

"Plunger and PVC pipe in Tempera" by Payton

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Everything Easter

Sweet friends in the Strawberry class.
more friends

We even had fun relaxing and playing in the grass

She is determined to get that piece of candy out no matter how long it takes her.
This is just too sweet and cute of Payton and Little Middle (as he is called on his Mama's blog) holding hands walking back to the car. Our day of fun has come to an end.
A few days later....
We went to an egg hunt hosted by the H boys for all us CDC moms and our non-school age kids at a local park. The morning started out a little "ify" with the dark clouds in the sky threatening to rain, but God showed mercy on my sweet friend that planned this for all of us and held the rain back. We just started 30 min. later than planned....just in case! :)
they are anxious to get started
let the hunting begin!!
Enjoying a picnic lunch with only a few sprinkles from the sky
A few more days later.....
Easter Sunday The Easter Bunny made a visit. Although Kendal is no longer buying it!! She kept asking me if I was really the Easter Bunny and I would blow her off. At one point, Payton said something about the Easter Bunny bringing them their basket and Kendal said, "Nu-uh it's Mommy, she got us everything!" Payton was too focused on the candy and other things that she didn't hear her so I quickly told Kendal to SHHHHH!!! and at least pretend for her sisters. I figured at some point she would start asking questions about some of our other "visitors", but she never said another word about it.
All pretty and ready for church in their Easter dresses from Grandma.
It was a cool and rainy day so they even got to use the little sweaters that came with the dresses.
We had a lot of Easter fun, but the most important part of Easter that we teach our girls is that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. It just doesn't get any better than that!!
Matthew 28:1-6
Luke 24:1-6
Until next time...