Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bransyn starts back at CDC

This past Friday, marked the first day of "school" for Bransyn. She was very excited to get to go back to school like her sisters. The night before, she was pulling her backpack out of the closet and wanting her lunch box. She couldn't wait until morning!!!

the weather was a little uncooperative for our first day back to school, but she was happy to wear her rain boots and jacket


Best of all, her teachers from last year moved up with her. She was very excited when I told her that she was going to be with Ms. Renee and Ms. Gloria again!
Until next time (now that I'm caught up :])...

Bransyn turns 4

The morning of Bransyn's birthday (last Sunday), I asked her where she wanted to eat when Daddy got off work. Her first choice was Chick fil A, but unfortunately for her, her birthday fell on a Sunday and CfA isn't open on Sundays. I informed her of that and asked if there was somewhere else she wanted to go. Her next choice was Red Robin which is a family favorite! Chick fil A would have been cheaper! :-}

waiting for our food...our yummy, yummy food!!

Bransyn got her bday sundae and got sung to

she got shy (or embarrassed) when they were singing to her

not to shy to dig into that sundae that she shared with her sisters though

What a cute birthday girl!!

Birthdays and the Zoo

This year, Payton's birthday was on a Saturday (Aug. 22) and Bransyn's (Sept. 6) was 15 days later on a Sunday. Jeff had to work both those weekends, his off weekend fell the weekend between their birthdays. It actually worked out well because Grandma and Papa W were here for that off weekend as well. We had asked the girls if they wanted to have a party with friends or if they wanted to go to the zoo. Both, very enthusiastically wanted the zoo! YAY!! I also asked them if they wanted to have birthday cake and open presents on their birthdays or with Grandma and Papa here. Both again, very enthusiastically wanted to celebrate with their grandparents here. So we went to the zoo, opened presents and had birthday cake on the Sat. between their birthdays. It was great!!!

I let each of them open the present from Kendal in case they wanted to wear them at the zoo.

everyone's got their shades on, now off to the zoo...

Sun Bears have unusually long does Kendal!!

We had told them that there was going to be no stroller, that everyone would be walking, but when we got there and I saw that it was a $9 rental (considerably cheaper than Disney and Sea World), I changed my mind. I didn't want to have to listen to the whining by Bransyn that she was too tired to walk anymore. I know...I'm a sucker!!

for some reason they loved running back and forth on this

Papa and the girls taking a breather...

wonder what she's thinking.... ???

checking out the penguins, where Payton informed me that she still knew her penguin fact from preschool last April.....chinstrap penguins are the most common penguins.....why yes, she does still remember it

just thought this was pretty

Kendal is a little freaked out in this pic because there was a bee that took a liking to her and wouldn't leave her alone :)

Fun time at the zoo!! Even if the bee kept following Kendal everywhere!

back home and ready to open presents

Payton with more Littlest Pet Shop to add to her "collection"

Bransyn with Tinkerbell and her house that she would have to inform me EVERY time she saw the commercial for it. "MAMA I WANT THAT RIGHT THERE, IT'S TINKERBELL!!!!"

more fairies so Tink would have some playmates

Bransyn hugging the money that she got from Grandma and Papa.

I got a tub to store the growing Littlest Pet Shop and Tinkerbell collection so it's a little more organized and each of the girls had to take turns getting in it and putting the lid on



Kendal, we ALMOST got that lid pushed down on her

"Happy Birthday to You...!"

mmmm...good, even if it wasn't decorated very pretty :)
It was a fun, between birthday celebration that was even more special because Grandma and Papa were here to help them celebrate. I just can't believe that they are 5 and 4!! :( Love you bunches sweet girls!!!