It's not fair, It's not fair!! Three little words that some days, I feel like if I hear them just ONE more time, I could very well lose my ever lovin' mind! "Why does she get to go to a friends, it's not fair", "why does she get to have a friend over, it's not fair", "how come she gets that, it's not fair"..... You can just about put anything with those three little words, and believe me, all three of my girls do. Some days, I am a sweet, loving and patient mommy that explain in a bunch of sentences how there are things in life that happen that just aren't fair. Other days, I am the completely irritated, not even a little bit patient mommy that barks, "Life isn't fair, get over it!" I would like to say that more often than not that I am the loving mommy, but sadly the opposite is probably true. I don't know for sure, I don't have a list where I check off nice mommy, mean mommy, but in the craziness of life it's not always easy having the patience to deal with those three words numerous times a day. And quite frankly, genetically I didn't get much of the "patience gene". Thanks, Dad! :)
Over the last few weeks, I have found myself saying those same three little words to God...IT'S NOT FAIR!! I have a sweet friend who was told she has cancer...for the second time. It wasn't fair the first time and it certainly isn't fair this time. The first time she didn't have to endure chemo, this time she will. IT'S NOT FAIR! She is young, a wife, a mother to three young sons, a preschool teacher, one of the godliest women I know even in the face of heavy trials, a fabulous cook and baker, who since I met her several years ago has baked me my favorite, carrot cake from scratch every year for my birthday. She is a great person and I am honored to call her my friend! It's not fair, God, it's just not fair! How can you let this happen? How come she has to tell her boys that once again, mommy has cancer? It's not fair! I wonder...if I could actually hear the words of God, would He be lovingly telling me that bad things happen to good people and not everything in life is fair or would he be barking at me to get over it?!
The last few days, I have really started to think about how my thoughts are paralleling the way my girls sometimes act. Yes, I pray for God's will and while I do really want that in everything, it is still really hard to always have the right attitude about God's will. I find myself in prayer sometimes saying to God to make her better, rid her of the cancer. Hey, even better, God make the cancer be gone when the doctors open her up because after all that would be a great way for everyone to witness your miracle. While this is something that God could totally do, it is still not the right attitude to go to God in prayer with. I am working on that. I know I have much to be thankful for and I am praying for God's will in everything. After all, God knows the desires of our hearts before we even know them so I just need to keep praying, trust and have faith!
Until next time...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snow Day!
Jeff and I were up about five this morning. Him getting ready for work, me fixing him some breakfast and his lunch. I'm a great wife that way! :) I looked out the back door and said, "Holy crap, it's snowing!" Not too sure why I was surprised by that, we've been hearing that it was going to for about a week now and yet I was still surprised. I also figured it wouldn't be much of a big deal, even though the weather forecasters we watch every morning have been saying we'd get some good snowfall. It was a big deal! Now the watch is on to see about a school delay...I was really hoping for one. I wanted the girls to be able to sleep in. Bransyn was up about 6:20! A little after 6:30, the official word was school delay...SCHOOL IS CANCELLED!! Of course, Kendal and Payton are both up by 7. So much for them sleeping in!! All three of them were very excited about the snow and immediately started asking to go out and play in it.
measured at 9:45

I do not have the proper gloves to be handling snow. My hands were wet, cold and numb while working on the bottom part so I told them it had to be a baby snowman. :)
making snow angels, or at least attempting to

Payton called it quits
What a cute face!! Even if it is all red and snotty! :)
Now, Bransyn has called it quits as well
Kendal didn't care! She stayed out there for awhile longer and played by herself.
"My feet are soooooo numb! I want to come in now!!"
perfect time for hot chocolate
measured at 4:55
and was still snowing
Who knows what tomorrow will is cancelled again! The girls are excited about being able to stay up late tonight and have a slumber party in Kendal's room. They've already asked if they can play in the snow again tomorrow. Of course they can!! :)
Until next time...
Christmas Break 2009
Yes, I am way overdue on posting about our Christmas trip. Just been anti-computer lately, don't know why.... There are GOBS of pics here...sorry 'bout that!! I had over 250 to choose from and I didn't want to take the time to do separate postings like I did last year since I've already taken so long to do these.
For the second year in a row, we spent the ENTIRE Christmas break "on the road". As soon as the girls got out of school, we hit the road that afternoon for my parents in NM. It made for a VERY long day and late night, but it was well worth it!
We weren't on the road 30 min. when the "how much longer?" started. GRRR!!! We were all very glad when we finally got to Grandma and Papa's!

I love these crazy girls!!

we made our traditional gingerbread house
got gums?!?!
The girls and Grandma listening as Papa reads the true Christmas story from Luke 2 before opening presents
a tradition from when I was a little girl that I love to have carried over to our girls
YAY!! Time to open presents
lots of cool stuff
Stopped in Ruidoso, NM to check out the snow on our way to CA. The girls thought it was very cool, but between some snow and an accident, our already long 12 hour drive was turned into a little over 14 hours. Not good!!!
we travel in shoes that are easy to slip on and off at our fuel and potty stops, but clearly not appropriate for snow :)
they have so much fun with their cousins

We opened presents with Jeff's parents, his sister and her family Christmas Eve

stockings Christmas morning
all of them asked Santa for a pink Snuggie...
our girls with two of my cousins' kids

got this picture of the big pile of seaweed that Kendal saw and said, "Look, Daddy! A big net!" :)camera quit working :(
my new camera...IT'S PURPLE!! and has a nice big screen to view pics :)
Unfortunately, we didn't have time to go back to Seaport village or go on the USS Midway because we were meeting Jeff's parents at Shelter Island to eat some yummy Point Loma Seafood.

It was a fun day!! All snuggled up together in bed at the hotel. Excited for the next day...
We're going to Sea World!!!
slug bug Shamu!

waiting to pet a dolphin

Waiting for the Shamu show to start...

Yummy cotton candy


Kendal is clutching Jeff's arm. We had them convinced that it was a real helicopter. hehe!
everyones happy now playing in the kid area
Kendal was freaked out about walking across the moveable wooden bridge. The other two ran across to the other side. It took Kendal forever to get to the other side. She's such a scaredy-cat! She gets it from her Grandma W (my mom), I do believe!
waking the girls up VERY early so we could get on the road for our 12 hour drive...they DID NOT want to get up!!
We made it back to my parents house where the girls enjoyed a couple more days of...
wrestling with Papa
Unfortunately, our vacation was coming to an end and we had to head home
Kendal and Payton are asleep under their blankets
Bsyn sleeps a little more normal :)
For the second year in a row, we spent the ENTIRE Christmas break "on the road". As soon as the girls got out of school, we hit the road that afternoon for my parents in NM. It made for a VERY long day and late night, but it was well worth it!
As usual, while there, the girls LOVED playing in Grandma's big tub
the girls have fun putting it together and putting all the candy on, but the instant they're done, they're asking if they can eat the candy :)
After a VERY LOOOONG traveling day, we finally made it to Jeff's parents in CA. It is amazing that everyone survived. We were so sick of hearing, "how much longer?", "I'm tired of being in the car", "when are we going to get there?", "she's touching me", "she's copying me".....times three in very whiny voices!
I am so glad they are so easy to please!!
We had visited the grandparents at their homes, but were glad that both were feeling up to getting out to come to Jeff's parents Christmas day.
they LOVED it!!! :)
We left the airport planning on going to Seaport Village for a little while and then taking the girls on the USS Midway. An aircraft carrier museum in SD with more than 60 exhibits and 25 restored aircraft. Unfortunately, those plans got changed because of a broken camera. We were only able to spend about 15 min. at Seaport Village before our camera quit working and we had to leave and go to Target for a new one. I just COULD NOT spend the rest of our trip without a camera, it's bad enough that we don't have a video camera! I only got one cute pic of them at Seaport Village looking out over the water...

Unfortunately, we didn't have time to go back to Seaport village or go on the USS Midway because we were meeting Jeff's parents at Shelter Island to eat some yummy Point Loma Seafood.
The girls ate their McD's in the car while waiting for Grandma and Papa to get there. They said it was too cold to eat outside. However, it wasn't too cold to play...
that was some cold water!!
they didn't care!
We went on the Sky Ride...
We went on the Sky Ride...
Waiting for the Shamu show to start...
Yummy cotton candy
Kendal got a polar bear, name: Terrabella
Payton got a pink turtle, name: Pinkabella
Bransyn got a purple turtle, name: Purplebella
going on a "helicopter" ride
going on a "helicopter" ride
We took them on the Journey to Atalntis ride.
We had a wonderful time at Sea World and wished we could spend more time in SD, but it was getting late and we had make the drive back to Jeff's parents. I had the next day to get us all packed back up again to head back home, making a stop at my parents again on the way.
We made it back to my parents house where the girls enjoyed a couple more days of...
Peace, out
a quick pic with Grandma and Papa before hitting the road
We made it home without incident and considering the amount of time we spent in the car on the road over two weeks, we are extremely thankful for God's protection. We had an awesome trip and on one hand, we were sad to see it end, but on the other hand, we were happy to get back to our normal routines...even though that meant school and work.
Until next time...
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