Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pumpkin Patch, Trunker Treat, Jack-o-Lanterns
not so much fun when I was having to dig hay out of not only their jeans, but panties as does that happen?!?!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Pumpkin Patch with friends
Allyson and I laughed so hard , although I was TOTALLY grossed out at the same time, it took us awhile to get ourselves composed. Allyson, even longer. During our hysterics, I finally noticed that our kids were not around and said, "I think we lost our kids". Thankfully, it wasn't very busy so it was easy to locate them and they were close by playing in the maze. Probably not wanting anyone to know that they belong to the two crazy ladies! You know you have a good friend when they will use a baby wipe to clean bird poo out of your hair. After getting a good laugh at your expense first, of course! :)
We had a good time, despite the poo incident and the warm weather. The kiddos had fun in the different bouncies and running around. They were disappointed that they weren't doing hay rides though. We'll do that another day!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Catching Up....
Kendal loses a tooth
She finally lost one of her top teeth. Last Sunday, during Sunday School she pulled out her tooth. That, of course prompted writing a note to the Tooth Fairy later that evening. She asked her for three gifts, one for her (Hannah Montana makeup) and each of her sisters (a toy puppy for each of them). It was very sweet that she included her sisters in the request, but nevertheless, the Tooth Fairy wrote back that she couldn't give gifts because she didn't have any way to carry them so she could only give money. She was just as excited about the note from the Tooth Fairy as she was about the money.
Kendal gets her ears pierced
getting her ears prepped to have the earrings put in
she surprised both her Daddy and I and sat there very still while the girl punched the earring in
no surprise to either of us was that she did cry, just not as bad as we thought she would
she even sat still through the second earring...but still crying :)
the crying continued for a little while, she did not like having an audience inside the store
much happier now
she picked out some pretty, pink flower earrings
Jeff and I have a date
Not that us having a date is very exciting, but we usually have the girls with us since his work schedule is so crazy and he doesn't get to spend that much time with them. This night however, was my sister-in-law's brother's wedding so we got to get dressed up, had a babysitter for the girls and got to spend a few hours together with other adults. The girls had a great time too, they keep asking me, "When is Rebecca going to babysit us again?" Maybe that's their way of saying that we need to get out more on our own without them.
Best of all, we got to spend some time with my brother, Kevin and sis-in-law, Leah who we don't get to see often enough.
Until next time...