Last Saturday was a crazy, tiring, but totally fun family day. Part 1 of our day started at the Pumpkin Patch with the mob of other people there. Not quite as nice as going during the week when there are hardly any people there, but since Daddy is working and Kendal is at school, we had to join all the other families that have to go on the weekend.

We started out by going on the hayride...

the girls got to be silly...

not sure why, but I love this thing...

the girls had fun climbing and the sliding down the hay mountains
not so much fun when I was having to dig hay out of not only their jeans, but panties as does that happen?!?!

After picking out our pumpkins, a little one for each of the girls and a big one, we went home to eat and get ready for Part 2 of our day. Going to Trunker Treat at the church where I work. Getting the girls ready was a fun process! Kendal was less than thrilled about her costume, but Payton and Bransyn loved having their hair spray painted.

The Cat in the Hat and THING 1 and THING 2
Aren't they just stinkin' adorable?!

ready to get loaded up with candy

Kendal is still being grouchy about her costume. She said that everyone was looking at her and she didn't like that. What a drama queen!!

Payton and Bransyn didn't care...they were all smiles!

still getting candy

we found a big THING 1

Our second hay ride of the day. This one though, Daddy was driving the tractor so the girls thought that was pretty neat and had to tell everyone that it was their Daddy that was driving us. Thankfully, no one fell off. hehe :)
They were disappointed that by the time we made our way over to the pony rides, they weren't letting anyone else get in line. They went to the Petting Zoo instead and that brightened up their spirits.

If we would've let them, they would have walked out with a bunny.
Part 2 of our day was over, so now it was time to go home, get bathed and start on Part 3 of our day. Carving our pumpkins. Which was a total Daddy job!

The girls with their very own pumpkins. Even their pumpkins are biggest to littlest.
By the time their Daddy finished with their pumpkins, it was late and he was tired of doing it so our big pumpkin had to wait until Sunday. It was worth it!

The girls with all of the Jack-o-Lanterns. Daddy did an awesome job, each one had a different look. I was very impressed...what a great Daddy!! Fun family memories!!
Until next time...
SERIOUSLY?!?!? Could those girls be any cuter sitting on that pumpkin? Love ya!
I love their costumes! Ella loves to watch and read "Cat in the Hat". Looks like you have had a fun Halloween.
That is the cutest idea yet for costumes.
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