O.K., so I've gotten a little behind on my daily vacation postings due to sickness. Hopefully I can get back on track. The girls were very excited about today. Finally, it was time to go to Sea World.
Jeff and the girls fighting the sun for one of the many pics that I insist on taking. :) Thank goodness for stroller rental!! We wouldn't have survived the day without it!
They were trying to get a dolphin to swim to them to pet, unfortunately so was everyone else.
A sting ray trying to escape. Those things can really splash the water!
The girls waiting to get into the Shamu show. We got there early so we could get good seats. Jeff wanted to sit it the soak zone. I told him he was crazy, that I was not taking a chance at getting wet and being cold and miserable the rest of the day as well as having the girls whine and complain about being wet and cold. We somewhat compromised and sat in the last row in the middle part of the soak zone so we only ended up getting splashed a little bit. It was a good choice!
Finally!! The show has begun.
I quite frequently have three little faces peering at me like this wanting food.
...she was holding a sardine up for him and was taking forever to drop it.
Jeff and Kendal going on the gondola ride.
Me, Payton and Bransyn going on the gondola. They wouldn't let all of us go together because they said maximum capacity was four people, but the five of us together would have still been well under the weight limit. Don't get it...
Jeff and Kendal when we passed each other.
The view from the gondola. GORGEOUS!!!
...Mommy showed them how. Yes, I did roll down the hill. Very quickly, I might add. I landed smack on the concrete. I'm sure I was quite a sight for those passing by, but I don't care! My girls thought that they had the coolest Mommy, EVER!!!
My girls in pink by the pink flamingos. :)
Me and my man!
The girls sitting on a big manatee. Just cuz, why not!?!?
Kendal was having a little meltdown because she didn't want to walk anymore and she didn't think it was fair that her sisters got to ride in a stroller and she didn't. Just another lesson...life ain't fair!! She still had to walk. :)
to be continued...