I'm finally getting around to getting pics and all posted about our vacation. It will be done in several parts because there are ALOT of pics and......well, just easier on me. :) Enjoy!!

Starting out on our first day of our two week trip. Headed to Grandma and Papa W in NM for an early Christmas with them. The girls were very excited to finally be on our way!!
First year to make a gingerbread house. It was fun to do that with the girls and they, of course, loved eating the candy off of it.
future cake decorator???
It was Daddy's idea to do this in the first place, but notice where he is.....in the living room watching the football game with my Dad. Typical guy!!! :) He did pop in on us every once in awhile.
the girls with their finished masterpiece :)
They were anxiously waiting to open their presents. They thought it was very cool that they were going to have two Christmases.
Bsyn lookin' all cute in one of Papa's hats!!
A pretty sunset in Arizona on our way to CA to Jeff's parents.
Jeff and the girls with his Grandpa S
Grandma and Papa S with all their grandkids
Our family with Jeff's sister and her family
opening presents with Jeff's family
Payton and Bransyn being goofy. Gosh, they're cute!! :)
And here's all our cuties Christmas morning
All the grand and great-grand kids with Jeff's Grandma H
After Christmas dinner with Jeff's family, we went to my Aunt and Uncle's where some of my family were getting together and Santa (otherwise known as my cousin's hubby) showed up.

The girls (and everyone else) were very excited about Santa's visit
My Grandma S is in the background in the red dress. So bummed that I forgot to get a picture of the girls with her before we left.
Santa trying to get one of my Aunt's to sing Jingle Bells with him. She wouldn't!!! :)
He was not the least bit impressed with Santa. He was much happier when he reappeared as Daddy. :)
We had TWO great Christmases with our families!!!
to be continued...
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