Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Long to Short(er) Hair

Almost two weeks ago, I had finally had enough of all the hair. Washing it, combing it, picking it off the furniture...I had had enough and decided to get it chopped off! Well, some of it anyway. Kendal is insistent on growing her bangs back out, so her hairdo needed a little help, Payton had been asking to get hers cut like her one of her friends (which is similar to mine) and Bransyn just about had to look up to see out from under her bangs. Daddy's only input was that it couldn't be cut above their shoulders...there went Payton's request. :)





Payton wanted me to take her pic pretending to be sad because she got her hair cut

Bransyn, not to be outdone, had to have one with her pretending to be mad
Silly girls!! ;-)
Until next time...

"Jesus To The Rescue"

July 6-9, the girls had Vacation Bible School at our church. Always a fun time learning about Jesus, fun songs, Bible verses and being with friends. Plus...Mama got to at least get rid of two them for a few hours each day for a week. ;) Here are some pics of their week...

performing their songs

Until next time...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wacky Hair

Two weeks ago, Kendal and Payton attended Vacation Bible School at a local church and each day had a different "theme" such as camo day, sports day and...WACKY HAIR DAY. I asked the girls if they wanted to wear their hair "wacky" or normal. Kendal wasn't sure and Payton wanted it wacky so while Kendal made up her mind, I went to work on Payton's hair. While doing her hair, Kendal decided she wanted her hair wacky just like Payton's. Here's how they turned out....

The "do" started hurting Kendal's head so one of her leaders ended up undoing hers for her. Poor lady! Payton left hers in until bathtime that night. They even went home with a friend afterwards and Kay had to stop at Walmart on her way home and walked around Walmart with her looking like that. I'm sure people were giving them some funny looks! :)
Until next time...

Kendal's 8th Birthday

Kendal's birthday was June 7th and fell on a Sunday this year, so this particular Sunday was a little crazier than usual. Last July at VBS at our church Kendal got saved and soon after started talking about wanting to be baptized. We would talk to her about what that means and ask her questions and while she seemed to "get it", we didn't push the issue, we just told her that when she was really ready she would have to go forward at church. About the end of April, she said out of the blue one day that she wanted to go forward for baptism. Jeff wanted to be there, obviously, so we had to wait for his next off weekend which just so happened to be on Mother's Day. She went forward during the invitation and after the serivce our Pastor talked with her for a little bit and felt that she understood the meaning of baptism and told her to "pick a day". Well since her birthday was on a Sunday and Grandma and Papa S would be visiting then, she wanted to be baptised on her birthday. So that's how her birthday started, quite appropriate, I think!

She looks a little nervous

Getting the nose plugged :0)

I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.
Mark 1:8

Rushed home to snap a few pics while we still looked nice, scarf down some lunch, finish getting things together and heading to her party which was at the pool again this year. Perfect place to have a summer birthday party!

Kendal with her friend Maggie

friends, friends and more friends

The whole gang ready for cake and singing Happy Birthday

It ended up being a little windy and we couldn't get the candle to light so she had to pretend to blow out the candle. Hope she still gets her wish! ;-)

Chocolate cake...YUMMY, YUMMY!!!!

Too cute Bsyn

Payton, Kimberly and Bransyn

Back home...dressed and ready to open presents

Happy with all of her gifts!!

Payton being goofy with the goggles and she wanted me to take a picture

Even goofier! Boy, she sure can get that mouth into quite the frown!!

Bransyn had to be part of the action with her goggles that are totally upside down. Weirdo!! :)

I made flip-flop cookies out of Nutter Butters and these were what were left. They looked super cute, although in this pic...not so much! The frosting looks like cement instead of the purple color they actually were. Oh, well! :)
Until next time...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Last Day of School

Yes, the last day of school was a month and 3 days ago. I just haven't taken the time to update, but a certain friend (ALLYSON!) will occassionally give me grief about my un-updated blog so I am finally taking the time for the much needed update even though it means staying up late! :)

The girls and I went to the school for the end of year class party which is fun, but also a little sad. It's means another year has gone by and our girls our getting older *sniff,sniff*, it means homework will be a little harder next year, it means that friends won't be seen on a regular basis, it means that all three of them will be home and will get on each other's (and mine) nerves, it means finding things to do that don't require too much money or having to be out in the heat and this time it even means that on the first day of school, I will be leaving two of my girls there all day.

Picnic lunch outside, which was a little too warm for my taste, but the kids loved it and that's what matters......I guess! :)

First round of sunflower seed spitting contest. It was supposed to be watermelon seeds, but a SEEDLESS watermelon was accidentally bought instead (HA!) so some improvisation was required. One little girl cracked me up because she chose not to participate because she said that ladies don't spit. HAHAHA-HA!!! My "lady" didn't care she was out there spittin' as best as she could.

She made it to the final four and ended up in fourth. But we are talking about a SPITTING contest so fourth is good!

The girls with Kendal's teacher, Mrs. Potter

When we got home, Payton and Bransyn decided to lay random items all over the living room floor. Each piece had it's own place and they worked very hard to get it just right. They are very proud of their "work", can't you tell!?!

They didn't have as much fun filling these buckets back up as they did emtying them.

Until next time...