Kendal's birthday was June 7th and fell on a Sunday this year, so this particular Sunday was a little crazier than usual. Last July at VBS at our church Kendal got saved and soon after started talking about wanting to be baptized. We would talk to her about what that means and ask her questions and while she seemed to "get it", we didn't push the issue, we just told her that when she was really ready she would have to go forward at church. About the end of April, she said out of the blue one day that she wanted to go forward for baptism. Jeff wanted to be there, obviously, so we had to wait for his next off weekend which just so happened to be on Mother's Day. She went forward during the invitation and after the serivce our Pastor talked with her for a little bit and felt that she understood the meaning of baptism and told her to "pick a day". Well since her birthday was on a Sunday and Grandma and Papa S would be visiting then, she wanted to be baptised on her birthday. So that's how her birthday started, quite appropriate, I think!

She looks a little nervous

Getting the nose plugged :0)
I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.Mark 1:8

Rushed home to snap a few pics while we still looked nice, scarf down some lunch, finish getting things together and heading to her party which was at the pool again this year. Perfect place to have a summer birthday party!

Kendal with her friend Maggie

friends, friends and more friends

The whole gang ready for cake and singing Happy Birthday

It ended up being a little windy and we couldn't get the candle to light so she had to pretend to blow out the candle. Hope she still gets her wish! ;-)

Chocolate cake...YUMMY, YUMMY!!!!

Too cute Bsyn

Payton, Kimberly and Bransyn

Back home...dressed and ready to open presents

Happy with all of her gifts!!

Payton being goofy with the goggles and she wanted me to take a picture

Even goofier! Boy, she sure can get that mouth into quite the frown!!

Bransyn had to be part of the action with her goggles that are totally upside down. Weirdo!! :)

I made flip-flop cookies out of Nutter Butters and these were what were left. They looked super cute, although in this pic...not so much! The frosting looks like cement instead of the purple color they actually were. Oh, well! :)
Until next time...
you got yourself some cuties!!! and mark one up for GOD!!!!
so happy for Kendal being baptized. K, aka Sissy, had fun at the party. need to get the girls together for another play date.
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