After our dogs had to be put to sleep, Utah 4 months shy of her 12th birthday and Bailey 2 months after hers, we knew we would eventually get another dog. My request though, was that after having two 100 pound Akitas that we get some sort of smaller dog, one that I could take in the car easily enough. We have been dogless for about 13 months now and a new doggie, a MUCH SMALLER 1 pound 9 ounce little fella has joined our family. A guy Jeff works with has a Jack Russell that got out and came home pregnant (oops!) possibly by a Chiuaua. She had six puppies and he was giving them away to a good home. Jeff put our name in to get one and yesterday was the day that we could finally bring him home. THE GIRLS HAD NO IDEA!! We told them that we had to go to daddy's work because there was something he needed to do there. They were not the least bit thrilled about having to go, Kendal complained the whole way there. Their complaints went away when they walked in and they saw the man with all his puppies there. They ran over to them asking if they could pet and hold them.

As they are loving on them, I asked them which one they wanted to take home. They didn't have much of a reaction at first, then all have a sudden, Kendal gasped and said, "We get to take one home?" in a very excited voice.

Kendal's expression when she found out that we were indeed taking one home with us.

Payton with our chosen little fella, Tank

Bransyn and Tank

I don't think Kendal's smile could get any bigger.

What a cute little face!!!

His bed once he is house broken. Thankfully so far, there has only been one accident. For now we have him in a crate, but he did a lot of "crying" last night so hopefully as he adjusts to life with us that will change. I was outside with him at one in the morning. REALLY could've done without that! Jeff ended up putting him on a towel in our bed so he would quit "crying", it worked. It is quite possible that he will be spoiled rotten! We are all very smitten with our little fella!

The girls didn't waste any time getting up this morning. Long enough to grab Tank and everyone snuggle up together in Kendal's bed. As I said, SPOILED ROTTEN! :)
Until next time...