I was a little, ok maybe more than a little, worried how it would go with five kids and a puppy making the trip. I was kind of expecting total chaos in the car, but it was actually a very pleasant trip and I really enjoyed the time with my friend.
the little kids took a nap...
A couple of nights before we left, the girls were giving their reasons why they like going to Grandma and Papa's. One of those reasons is because they LOVE to wrestle with Papa. I explained to them that Papa probably wouldn't be able to wrestle with them this time because he has a really bad knee that hurts him. They said that they were going to ask him anyway. Okie dokie, then.
My mom and I took the girls and Tank to the park one of the days to have a picnic and play. It was a gorgeous day, but just a little too windy for picnic purposes. We had to hold on to everything and eat quickly for fear of it being blown away. There were a few napkins and plates that had to be chased down. The girls had fun swinging, climbing, sliding and running around. A new park is always so much fun.
I wish I could say that the trip headed home was as pleasant as the trip out, but it wasn't. Not that it was terrible, just not as nice and "relaxing". I think it had more to do with the fact that they were more tired and cranky. My girls certainly were! They had no bed time at Grandma and Papa's and went to bed when the rest of us did each night which wasn't all that early. And let's face it, when travelling, the trip to where you're going is always much better than the one that requires you to get home. I was "affectionately" dubbed the snack lady. It seemed like it was a constant request for food and the word mommy was said a million times! Alright so that is an exaggeration but it was A LOT!! Momma Wolg joked that we needed one of those clicker counters so we would know how many times it was said. With 5 kids, it was pretty constant and pretty annoying. :)
big girls being goofy
All in all, it was a very fun trip. It wasn't so terrible that we won't do it again. We talked about doing it again this summer, so we'll see...
Until next time...
The modeling pictures of the girls cracked me up! They are awesome! I love it that they got Gary on the floor with them too. He's a good Papa :)
Yay for a fun SB trip! Love those little models, those great grandparents, and those sweet friends!
It was fun...Thanks for being our road trip buddies and especially you for being Snack Lady!
Glad you had a fun Spring Break with your parents.
We'll have to try it again this summer. This time...we schedule the snacks. LOL!
Love you.
What a TRIP!
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