Part of our summer routine is attending Vacation Bible School. Not just at our own church, but the church I work at during the school year as well as a friend's church. This year was no different, however my "work church" and friend's church fell on the same week. Work church was during the day and friend's church was in the evening so it was a tiring, but fun week for the girls. Work church does an extended type of VBS and calls it W.O.W. (Week of Worship). Bransyn didn't get to go to that one (still too young), but next year she will get to go also. Payton was there from 9-12, but Kendal was there from 9-3 and did all sorts of fun stuff like laser tag, rock climbing, bounce house and video games. The theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch so they got to hang out on the "ranch" and hear and learn all about Jesus....the most important part of the week!
Kendal and her friend, "Sissy"

waiting to do their end of the week performance
After Kendal got home from W.O.W. each day, she had a few hours to rest, play, eat some dinner before heading to our friends church for their evening VBS. The theme there was Fire Fighters and "Pulling them out of the fire" from Jude 23. Bransyn got to go with them as well so she was happy about that and all three of them had a lot of fun.
Bransyn and Payton with "Super Christian"

and "Mr. Incredi-Bible"

We had a few weeks "VBS break", but then our church's VBS started. We had an Egyptian theme and were on the "Treasures of the Nile, an Expedition to Jesus". Bransyn was finally old enough to go this year and so this was also my first year to volunteer for the week. It was a lot of fun, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I was put as a helper in the 10-12 age group which was a little different when used to working with preschoolers. I was very glad that it was a man that was the leader for the group because there were a couple of those pre-teen boys that definitely needed that male influence! Phew!!
getting ready to do their end of the week performance

the next Vanna White :)
Kendal's friend "Sissy" came with her
friends since they were babies...awwwww
Vacation Bible School is the best part of summer for us. Not only does it get them out of the house for a few hours each day, but more importantly they are filled up with Jesus. I have "caught" each one of them separately or together singing different songs from each VBS they were at and the other day my friend called me and put JT on the phone and he sang Riches in Jesus to me which was one of our church's VBS songs. It just doesn't get any better than that!!
getting ready to do their end of the week performance
too much fun...i agree, it doesn't get any better than that. so glad our kiddos went to vbs together. love your kids and love you so much. hugs.
All looks like fun Sass MINUS the june bugs. I hate those!!! Thanks for sharing the pics.
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