FIVE. Age five to me means to me that the "baby" stage is officially over. I don't mean baby like goo-ga-ga, at five, you become "little girl" (or boy). Maybe you don't get what I mean...but, Bransyn hit that stage today, she is five. FIVE!!! There are no longer any "baby" stages left around's all over! If she had been born five days earlier, she could have started Kindergarten this year. I'm glad she wasn't born five days earlier. I'm thrilled that I have her with me for one more year.
Today, she turns five on Labor Day, which would almost be funny to me if she hadn't been a scheduled labor with her. :) Her Daddy ended up not having to work on this blessed day so we got to have the whole day together to celebrate. We took a drive just for fun and then Bsyn got to pick if she wanted a birthday lunch or dinner and where she wanted to go. She chose lunch at Chick-fil-A "because then we can play". :)
No live cats allowed here, but we were happy to accommodate Lulu. She blinks her eyes, meows and rolls back to pet her belly.
Happy Birthday number FIVE, Bransyn!
You were our very special surprise and we couldn't have asked for a better one.
You are loved so, so much!!
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